The Neon Museum, Las Vegas – Historical, Colorful Brights and Lights Two Passports PackedDrive six miles from the Las Vegas Strip, or 0.6 miles north of Fremont Street, and you will...ACTIVITIESATTRACTIONSUNITED STATES·5 mins read·0·11 views
Meteor Crater, Arizona – Impact Your Life Two Passports PackedImagine it’s 50,000 years ago and you are standing in the middle of nowhere, minding your own business,...ACTIVITIESATTRACTIONSUNITED STATES·6 mins read·0·29 views
The Crypt of Civilization – will you be alive in 6,000+ years? Two Passports PackedWill you be alive on 28 May 8113? If so you will be around to see the opening...ACTIVITIESATTRACTIONSUNITED STATES·5 mins read·0·55 views
EBR-1 – Let’s Visit the World’s First Nuclear Reactor Two Passports PackedWho would have guessed that you could visit a decommissioned nuclear reactor in the United States? On the...ACTIVITIESATTRACTIONSUNITED STATES·4 mins read·0·34 views
All Aboard the Relaxing Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railway Two Passports Packed“WELCOME Aboard Folks”, the conductor said as we settled ourselves onto the train that would take us on...ACTIVITIESATTRACTIONSUNITED STATES·6 mins read·0·53 views
Four Corners Monument – Hands and Legs in Four States Two Passports Packed“How Cool is that?” I thought as I lay on the ground with my body in each of...ACTIVITIESATTRACTIONSUNITED STATES·4 mins read·0·43 views